Breeding the only solution

Waiteika Romneys has been Internal Parasite testing and moisture content ( Dag) scoring since 2005.
2005 – 2012 Waiteika used Gribbles and NZ Veterinary pathology LTD services, plus recording a moisture content score for each sample.

  • 0 - Marbles
  • 1 – Hand grenades
  • 2 - Plops
  • 3 – Slops
  • 4 – Scours

I believe liquid or daggy faeces are passed more often through the system, diluting the FEC count score. By multiplying the FEC figure by the Dag score provides a more accurate selection tool.

2012 – now samples tested through Techion Group Ltd ( PhenR) and results recorded with WormFEC.

When taking the samples a moisture content or Dag score is assessed, we then Dag score again at 8 months of age for a more accurate interpretation.

Now by combining a FEC and Dag Maternal Worth selection index we can breed sheep that require minimal drenching. “ A Healthy Productive Low Input Sheep”.

Defeating fly strike

Under humid and damp conditions dense fleeces sweat more giving off an odour attracting dermatitis and flies.

At Waiteika dipping sheep has ceased since 2008, by selecting a cleaner longer sound staple that allows for air circulation. This theory has almost eliminated fly strike only treating odd sheep which are culled.

Dag scoring and faecal egg counting has also helped to keep flies at bay.

Genetic Trends WormFEC

Waiteika Romneys has been part of the WormFEC Gold group since 2020.